Brent Loewenstein has been practicing, or mastering, his craft for over 24 years. Starting to master the mysteries of magic in grammar school, Loewenstein, by his late teens, was performing regularly at corporate events.


Cocktail Parties

Brent amazes audiences with even the simplest of props; sometimes a deck of cards or a few coins is all it takes for this master prestidigitator to blow-away his audiences.





When he began to incorporate business messages in his performance, demand for his skills grew and his engagement calendar began to fill, quickly. From Anheuser-Busch to Kraft Foods, Loewenstein became a huge attraction at trade show exhibits and he was not yet 20 years old.


Anheuser-Busch Exhibit
Brent promotes Bud Light in the Anheuser-Busch exhibit. Amazingly, Brent was still in college when he worked for Anheuser-Busch!
Kraft Food Ingredients Exhibit
While still in college, Brent was hand-picked to represent Kraft Food Ingredients at their exhibit!


By age 25 Loewenstein was performing large-scale illusions in exhibition halls and corporate meeting venues around the country. Corporate events have become Loewenstein's specialty; from trade show exhibits to sales meetings; from hospitality suites to the private estates of the captains of industry, Loewenstein captivates and confounds his audiences.


Loewenstein's sophisticated style and masterful abilities have equipped him to design a unique presentation tailored to the needs of the client, strategically balancing a blend of product or service, education and entertainment. Trade show passersby become potential customers in the time it takes Loewenstein to make an object disappear before their very eyes. His magic captures your audience's attention and becomes the conduit for your message.


He’s Non-Threatening

Brent has an uncanny ability to get people to do pretty much anything!



While gasping in disbelief at his skill Loewenstein is making your message the centerpiece of his performance. Incorporating logos, services, products and key messages into his show assures you that your message is coming across loud and clear or soft and subtle depending upon the your needs. Either way, the message gets through and gets to your audience.


Accustomed to traveling, Loewenstein has criss-crossed the United States fulfilling the needs of such corporate behemoths as Coca-Cola, United Van Lines, Purina Mills, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Sherwin Williams and Johnson & Johnson, to name only a few. A strong relationship with many of these clients has Loewenstein booking key events as far in advance as three years.


The difference between simply filling time for your audience and truly blowing them away is Master Magician Brent Loewenstein.



Watch this young crowd as they are blown away by what Brent does.


What seems to be a simple card trick can leave you awestruck and spellbound.


Even at close range, no one can figure out how Brent does the "bolt" trick.